Welcome to Brian Ling .com

Portfolio Website and Musings of a Strategic Design Leader

[ Portfolio Work ]

iPoor for those too poor for an iPod

We are now SOLD OUT!

Gone, zip, nada, finito! Sorry!

The iPoor T-Shirt was featured in:

Engadget China:

They say that it’s looks cool and fashionable, for those who don’t want to spend $500 for a IPod Nano, you should consider this economic choice.

They also said that iPoor does not need battery and electricity and you don’t need to worry about whether it works or not.

It’s a good product and they urge people to buy one for themselves.

and Domain Magazine of the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia

Made of 100% Cotton at about 180grams weightage. Does shrink about 1% in the wash

Thats right people we are go-go-go! So dont get left out!

Design Sojourn will be doing and did a limited run of 50 White and 50 Black iPoor T-shirts.

Scenario images
White Large

Black Medium

Some additional notes:
1) As the T-shirt is 100% cotton, it does shrink in the wash. After washing a few shirts, we tried them on and here are the results.

If you are 159cm, weight 50kg, waist 27″ then the S is comfortable and slightly baggy.

If you are 184cm, 80kg, with waist 32-33″ and the L fits just right, but it will not be baggy grunge style.

If you are 192cm, 100kg, and 36″ waist you will need to go with the XL. Again the fit just right.

Anyone larger will not be able to fit the XL size.

2) Finally please wash all the t-shirts before you wear them, especially the black. The black T-shirt’s color DOES run. So please soak for a bit before you wash it in the washing machine!

Buy iPoor : World-Wide Shipping

Price: USD $15
Shipping: USD $10 per T-shirt

Stock Avaliable (Updated Oct 26):SOLD OUT!

Buy iPoor : Shipping to Singapore Only

Price: USD $15
Shipping: USD $4.5 per T-Shirt

Stock Avaliable (Updated Oct 24):SOLD OUT!

[ News ]

Archived News for 2006

– April 21 – ver. 0.8 live | DRTV uploaded

– April 19 – ver. 0.7 live | M-Disc uploaded

– April 11 – ver. 0.6 live | GMPC uploaded

– April 09 – ver. 0.5 live | bonbon e-pal uploaded

– April 07 – http://www.brianling.com ver. 0.3 live.

– March 21 – Founded http://www.IDAsia.org, a website focusing on networking designers in Asia and beyond.

– March 12 – http://www.brianling.com ver. 0.1 live.

[ News ]

Archived News for 2005

– Received The Red Dot Award in Product Design 2005 for VU50HD

– VU50HD exhibited in the “20/20” Exhibition of award winning designs in Singapore.
Keynote Speaker for DesignSingapore.org’s initiative “Design or Resign” Workshop. Titled “Pros and Cons of In-House vs. Consultancy based design strategies”

– Supervised Collaboration with National University of Singapore Department of Industrial Design on “Sound Visions 2 : Next generation home entertainment systems”. One of the projects was awarded 2006 IF Concept Award.

– Guest Lecturer and curator for NUS ID’s entry for 2006 Salone Satellite in Milan Italy

– Presented Methodologies for Industrial Design Research based on portfolio work at The University of New South Wales

– Joshua Ling Born 14 September 2005.

[ News ]

Archived News for 2004-1997

Available on request. Please email info [at] brianling [dot] com for full resume.

Design Sojourn Blog

My latest thoughts on Strategic Industrial Design

Objects of Desire

Links to samples of my favorite design work. Don't miss my Portfolio page for more images, of if you like networking, hook up with me at Behance.net.

Elsewhere on the Web

Other websites I own and manage.